About us
Our Mission
Chester County Storm (formerly know as Chesco Lightning and Thunder), was founded in 1998 for the purpose of developing athletes in the Chester and Delaware County areas in Pennsylvania and recently expanded into the Northern portions of Delaware. Our organization prides ourselves in our ability to be leader in building the skills of the player so they can better serve their school teams in the regular season, compete in AAU national tournaments and take players to the next level. In 2012 we expanded adding boys to the club, Chester County Thunder (CC Thunder).
Highlights from the past 2017 Season:
- Our oldest team on the girls side (Will Evans 11th) had many of their players contacted regarding playing at the college level.
- Both the boys and girls teams represented the club well in tournaments in the 2017 season, 18 teams:
CC Thunder
- 4 – 1st place tournament wins
- 7 - 2nd place finishes
Chesco Lightning
- 7 – 1st place tournament wins
- 6 – 2nd place finishes
- 6th grade team qualified 1st in Mid-Atlantic Regional Champion.
- 11th grade team finished 2nd USJN in Washington, D.C.
We are an all volunteer coaching staff that also works at various local high school programs in our area. Past and present coaches are from Bishop Shanahan, Avon Grove High School, West Chester Henderson High School, St George Technical School, Wilmington Friends, Sacred Heart, Ridley and Wilmington Christian. One former coach has gone onto become an assistant coach at West Chester University.
Frequently Asked Questions about AAU:
What is AAU?
AAU stands for Amateur Athletic Union. The AAU is a national organization based in Lake Buena Vista, FL , that is the one of the largest, non-profit, volunteer, sports organizations in the United States . The AAU is dedicated exclusively to the promotion and development of amateur sports and physical fitness, such as with the boys/girls’ basketball program where Chesco compete. The National AAU is divided into districts around the country. Chester County Storm compete in the Mid Atlantic District.
Coaches and Volunteers
The club maintains a policy that coach/volunteers be of good moral character, uphold the coaching standards as put forth by AAU, at all times maintain respect for the referees and maintain the attitude of putting the players first in all their activities associated with the team and understanding that although being competitive is important it is not as important those players involved with the club.
Register and come to the tryouts. If you can not register before hand, we will have hardcopy forms at tryouts. There is a $25 one time try out fee. These tryouts are open to any player from Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and South New Jersey area who is born in the appropriate year. Chester County Storm program has open tryouts starting the end of January. Each team will be selected based on tryouts conducted by coaching staff. Team Coaches will have full authority to select the "best players" for a competitive team. Each player is encouraged to make both tryouts so that they may be evaluated fairly. Coaches may also use other settings where they have seen the player as a part of the evaluation process.
Tryout dates will be published in the local newspapers on this website and Facebook. Please check often.
How many teams are there? How is the age group determined?
AAU Basketball has gone to a pure grade basis, with certain maximum ages for each grade. As part of moving to the grade-based approach, all competitive age groups have gone to a "grade" name rather than an "age group" name for the competitive division. For instance, gone are the 9-Under, 10-Under, etc. names as they are replaced with 4th Grade, 5th Grade, etc. Age group is determined by AAU rules.
How Long is the Season?
The primary season for AAU basketball is March through June. This will allow maximum exposure for the players in multiple tournaments, and give the players a chance to compete and meet teams from other areas without adversely affecting any vacation plans families may have for the summer. However, some of the older boys and girls teams may participate in tournaments and showcases that run thru July.
What is involved in the commitment?
AAU is competitive not recreational. Although the commitment is strong, it can offer many rewards for your sons and daughters. The commitment principally involves time and money. Time because parents have to be committed to getting their players to practices and games, and money because the is a volunteer organization and parents are responsible. It is expected that a player will make all the games and practices. Most teams practice twice a week and while conflicts always arise, absences can disrupt the team’s continuity and chemistry and are not fair to other teammates and coaches.
Participating in a competing sport during the AAU Basketball season?
Chester County Storm does not mind participation in multiple sports simultaneously. School sports and our program usually work out to play both. We would like to know when a conflict does arise. In those instances where a conflict does arise with a school sanctioned sport, we fully understand that the student / athlete has to prioritize and therefore expect that the school sanctioned activity take precedence. AAU caliber basketball requires commitment from players, coaches, and parents.
What about the time involved, practices and tournaments?
Practice sessions provide time for the development of individual skills and team concepts. Defensive and offensive strategies are covered. Players are expected to learn the system during these sessions, so that game coaching can reinforce concepts and procedures that have been taught. Practices may last 1 1/2 hours depending on court availability. Tournaments are usually 2 games played on a Saturday and 2 games on Sunday.
If my child makes an AAU team, is she guaranteed playing time or could she sit on the bench?
For those players selected at tryouts for one of the teams, we will do all possible to ensure that your child participates in each tournament to develop and gain the experience they deserve.
Our selection process attempts to get the best players so competition for playing time is earned by player performance and effort. The amount of time that a player receives is determined by the coach and assistant coach and may include several factors such as game match-ups, foul trouble, game and practice attitude, attendance at practices and games and commitment in displaying a solid work ethic.
Chester County Storm charge an annual player participation fee that is used to defray the cost of enrolling teams in tournaments, gym rental, insurance, equipment, AAU registration, and other basic operating needs.
Chester County Storm has managed to keep fees similar to other programs through our area. For teams
The 2015 participation fee will be determined once teams have been selected and will be based on the usual factors. (i.e. court time, projected tournaments, etc.)
The participation fee is payable at the time a player is selected. The travel to tournaments (transportation, meals, and lodging) is the responsibility of each player.
** If the team qualifies for National's there would be additional costs such travel, room and board.
Upon being selected and assigned to a team, full payment is expected. No refunds will be issued once the team has been formed. This has been the policy since 2013 and, as the program is a not for profit program the policy maintained.

What People are saying about Chesco Thunder and Lightning
"We love how your organization focuses on teaching and working on fundamentals." 8th grade 2016 Lightning parent
"The coaches work hard to provide many opportunities for the players involved in the club to gain experience in practice and tournament play". 7th Grade (boys) thunder parent